Monsoons - the season I love. Its probably the only season, I thank God for. There are ample reasons to love (& hate) the season... but I love the season even for the reasons others hate it!
~ I love the season for hot pakoras and kadak chai in my balcony
~ I love the season for roasted corn-cobs (the famous Indian Bhuttas!)
~ I love the season for getting wet, with all the clothes on!
~ I love the season for local trains getting cancelled in Mumbai
~ I love the season for the winds on Marine Drive & the umbrellas getting 'Ulta' - making it
awkward for all the 'Ladies & Gentlemen' having 'fun'!
~ I love the season for flooding of streets & reaching office with pants folded upwards
~ I love the season for all the mud-spots on one's back & bum. Remember its only here when you are completely responsible for your own mud-spots. The variety & number of spots is a testimony to how much & where all the person has traveled!
~ I love the season for standing at my window, observing the shapes, images & colours in the droplets which are continuously forming & dripping from the tip of the 'Peepal' leaves stemming from the wall of the flat opposite.
~ I love the season for the hot & steamy undergarments (they don't get dry & you have to invariably iron them next morning!)
~ I love the season for driving past the bystanders, splashing them with everything on the road & then watching their expressions by turning back!
~ I love the season for helping everyone get creative in the office with many age-old and some original & exclusive excuses - Like मेरी गाडी के सैलेंसर में पानी भर गया है, मेरा बच्चा फिसल गया, मेरी बीवी कल बारिश में भीग गई थी तो आज मुझे जुखाम हो गया है, सारे जूते गीले हो गए हैं ... और ... और.. सर इत्ने रोमांटिक मौसम में कोई ऑफिस आता है क्या?.... etc etc etc.... the list is endless.
~ I love the season for unscheduled Power-Cuts - for the respite from TV Channels & FM radio stations for some minutes!
~ I love the season for long drives and particularly long train journeys amidst a lot of greenery, water-falls, mist, washed roads, steaming hot food at road-side dhabas & vada-paavs at Igatpuri & Karjat Railway Stations.
I think these are enough reasons to love the season, however you can still add your own to the list. Hit on the 'comments' and submit.