... Got up early one morning to Milk the cows, I was new to all this... had started this little Dairy a few weeks back... I now had some 4 Cows, a calf and a Red Bull. This newly constructed Dairy, by the side of my newly acquired farm, had provision for some 20 Cows. Your newest venture gets the most of your attention, labour and everything else... so I was finding it tough to devote quite some time to my new found profession (actually an old passion) in addition to my 9 to 5 job. I always wanted to be a farmer but never really knew that it actually is a lot of hard work!... One needs to plow the fields, sow the seeds, fertilize, harvest and so on & so forth... Farming is actually a larger profession with integrated Dairy, Poultry, Sheep & Goat rearing and a hell lot of other subsidiary activities... believe me its a full-time job... you are attempting 'impossible' when you try to do it with your office-job... but that's what you have friends for... I was never so close to some of the persons as I am right now (after taking up farming). Some of my college-mates (girls) who never even used to look at me properly while in college, are suddenly fertilizing my crops, gifting me calves, horses, goats, sheep and many trees. God has never been so kind. God has also been specially kind with respect to the chunk of land I acquired. Its probably an irrigated land with enriched soil. Its a great boon as I never have to irrigate my crops. I am really blessed - my friends take turns to fertilize my crops. Irony is that I never really get to meet them while they are at it in my farm... I also have a feeling that they neither meet each other while working in my farm even at the same point of time... I have grown in status and expertise in cultivating some particular crops. Initially, I used to get a bit too affected by the local market it is not so anymore. While routinely visiting the local vegetable market, on finding that prices of Onions or green chillies were going up, I used to sow these vegetables in my farm the very next morning before leaving for office. Now, having achieved a bit, I have a tractor, harvester and a seeder. Now I often cultivate Pineapple, Bell Peppers, Artichokes, Daffodils, Red Tulips, Lavenders etc without a worry about the market to sell them. A lot many of my friends now vie for being my neighbours... Life has never been so good as far attention is concerned. But it does have its own share of responsibilities, one should reciprocate by gifting back the friends & neighbours and fertilizing their crops. It is probably the camaraderie among friends & neighbours that pays off everybody - The trees are producing fruits without any inputs or care, the hen are producing eggs without disruptions, cows & goats are producing milk, crops grow on their own... you only have to harvest everything. Suddenly the farming seems very easy & enjoyable...
.... more so on 'Farmville' .... its addictive... it does give a great high being the cynosure of all your friends' activities who have taken up 'farming' ... makes you feel a lot privileged ... I am now seriously thinking of giving-up my 9 to 5 job and take up farming full-time!