Sunday, March 25, 2012

Women-Oppression & Reasons : My Take

Of late, I have been getting a lot many mailers, emails & SMSs reminding me about the declining Male-Female ratio in our country. A lot many invites for seminars & webinars are also pouring in after a study widely published recently. Many page-3 celebrities are busy covering the front pages of reputed publications, urging us to 'Think' about it & 'act now'. We Indians are particularly blessed with an Analytical &  Argumentative mind. We may not perform (act) in most of the situations but we dissect & analyze it better than anybody else in the whole world. Having bombarded with statements & questions like "Save the Girl-Child" or "How are you going to contribute towards improving Sex-Ratio in our Country?" or the more incisive ones like "Will you marry your boy to a boy?"... or "Shut Sonography centres"... I am forced to ponder on the burning issue of our skewed Sex-Ratio and the probable reasons behind it. For sure our mindset to blame. Pretty recently a High-Court in India suggested castration of Rape accused. I would like to suggest a step further - get their sexes changed altogether!

Anyway these are some of the suggested solutions, more importantly we need to look at the reasons behind such a mindset - of oppression, suppression, deprivation of Women in Indian society, in particular. Men have been suppressing women folk since time immemorial but as we have become more educated, advanced & sophisticated - it has only increased. In one way or other, we are still continuing with it - Sometimes directly, mostly under the garb of various other reasons. Since, I cannot blame myself, I'll blame the SYSTEM for it. System is actually aiding to our psychology of oppressing women, on getting a chance (or creating one). I just want to ask why : -

~ Why do system has to give 30% reservation to Women in competitive exams when I was always ready to let them cheat from my answer-sheet?
~ Why does Indian Railways need to have separate coupe for Ladies, when we were always ready to offer them our own Seats & Berths? (Subject to certain conditions of Age & Looks)
~ Why does a 'Ladies Special' local train timed exactly at the time when you are already getting late to reach the office? (and very well know that Boss won't say a word to the ladies on getting late!)

Actually, I often feel, it is Men which are continued to be discriminated against - like here's an insignificant example, there are Men selling Lingerie but no sales-women selling men's undergarments.

But I don't advocate that men are not to be blamed, and I (on behalf of men, who agree to it) own this responsibility. Since I don't want it to sound more like a 'movement', I leave all other men & would like to introspect personally ..... Why, at times I (if at all I do) behave against the Women? After a lot many thoughts coupled with my limited ability to find a logic to various worldly issues, I could zero-in on some of the reasons. I still believe that to an extent, females themselves have also been instrumental in inviting this oppression & suppression against Women. By 'females' I mean including females of other species too. Deeds of 'other' females have also been reason for our (Men's) attitude towards Women folk. Like, how many of you have been bitten or have heard of being stung by a 'Madhu-Makkha'???... remember it's always a 'Madhu-Makkhi' that stings!

Having said that, I hereby conclude that the single biggest reason for my attitude against Women is nothing but a 'Machchar' (Mosquito) ... the same Machchar that not only gives me many a sleepless nights but has also been responsible for infusing me with Malaria, at least twice. But how come that justifies my angst against Females... wait, yet again, it's only the Female Anopheles Mosquitoes that feed on blood & therefore transmit Malaria, (poor) Male mosquitoes primarily feed on plant nectar... 

मर्द कानों में गुनगुनाते हैं
स्त्रियाँ हर तरफ मंडराती हैं
मौका पा कर, नज़रें बचा कर 
मेरा खून पी जाती हैं
छोड़ी अब ना कोई कसर है
हिट, ऑल-आऊट या बेगौन
इन पर सब बे-असर है

हर एक को यही यकीं है
सबसे ज्यादा मछरों से
उसकी ही दुश्मनी है.
मेरी और बीवी की
आजकल इसी पर ठनी है
मैं कहता हु ये साले
मेरे ऊपर ही जी रहे हैं
तुमसे जो बच जाता है
मेरा खून पी रहे हैं
उसकी दलील में भी दम है-
"चलो तुम्हारा खून किसी को तो भा रहा है
वरना, मेरा तो सालों से सर-चकरा रहा है"

नाना पाटेकर का वो डायलौग
कश्मकश और बढ़ा देता है
"साला एक मच्छर इंसान को
हिजड़ा बना देता है"
फिल्मों का हमारी ज़िन्दगी में
कितना असर है,
मन में कहीं ना कहीं डर है और
साले उसी एक मच्छर पर
अब मेरी नज़र है

बीवी तभी दिलासा देती है
"अरे नर-मच्छर खून नहीं पीते
सिर्फ मादा ही खून पीती है"
मैं क़ातर निगाहों से पूछता हूँ
"ये आश्वासन है या धमकी?"
वो तपाक से वार करती है
"इसमें गुंजाईश कहाँ है भ्रम की?"

'स्त्रियाँ' शायद किसी की नहीं होती,
मच्छर उसे भी परेशान करते हैं-
मादाएं मौका ढूंढती रहती हैं
मर्द सिर्फ कानों के करीब गुज़रते हैं.
एक नया हथियार* आजकल मिल गया है
घर का शक्ति-समीकरण बदल गया है
बेझिझक, दुर्गा की तरह वार करती है
मौत बन कर मच्छरों पर टूट पढ़ती है
मैं डरते हुए पूछ लेता हूँ -
'मादाओं' के जुर्म की सज़ा -
आख़िर 'मर्द' क्यों पाता है?
हाथ में रेकेट लिए, दुकानदार
से पूछा जाता है- "क्यों भैय्या,
इस से बड़ा वाला भी आता है
जो इंसानों पर चल जाता है?"
_________ ______ _______

- * हथियार